ECNUCS_Programming Club
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size=(0,0), flag=0, depth=0, vsync=0)
- size代表窗口的宽和高
- flag代表窗口的类型,下文会细说。
- depth表示色深,建议不要自行设置。
- vsync表示是否开启垂直同步,可以不进行设置。
类型名 | 含义 |
pygame.FULLSCREEN | 全屏 |
pygame.RESIZEABLE | 可以通过拖曳调整窗口大小 |
pygame.NOFRAME | 无边框 |
pygame.SCALED | 自适应缩放 |
pygame.SHOWN | 默认 |
pygame.HIDDEN | 后台启动,老实说我不太明白它存在的意义 |
需要说明的是,这几个是可以通过操作符 | 来叠加的,比如既是RESIZEABLE又是SCALED |
flag = pygame.RESIZEABLE | pygame.SCALED
Initialize a window or screen for display
set_mode(size=(0, 0), flags=0, depth=0, display=0, vsync=0) -> Surface
This function will create a display Surface. The arguments passed in are requests for a display type. The actual created display will be the best possible match supported by the system.
Note that calling this function implicitly initializes
, if it was not initialized before.The size argument is a pair of numbers representing the width and height. The flags argument is a collection of additional options. The depth argument represents the number of bits to use for color.
The Surface that gets returned can be drawn to like a regular Surface but changes will eventually be seen on the monitor.
If no size is passed or is set to
(0, 0)
and pygame usesSDL
version 1.2.10 or above, the created Surface will have the same size as the current screen resolution. If only the width or height are set to0
, the Surface will have the same width or height as the screen resolution. Using aSDL
version prior to 1.2.10 will raise an exception.It is usually best to not pass the depth argument. It will default to the best and fastest color depth for the system. If your game requires a specific color format you can control the depth with this argument. Pygame will emulate an unavailable color depth which can be slow.
When requesting fullscreen display modes, sometimes an exact match for the requested size cannot be made. In these situations pygame will select the closest compatible match. The returned surface will still always match the requested size.
On high resolution displays(4k, 1080p) and tiny graphics games (640x480) show up very small so that they are unplayable. SCALED scales up the window for you. The game thinks it’s a 640x480 window, but really it can be bigger. Mouse events are scaled for you, so your game doesn’t need to do it. Note that SCALED is considered an experimental API and may change in future releases.
The flags argument controls which type of display you want. There are several to choose from, and you can even combine multiple types using the bitwise or operator, (the pipe “ ” character). Here are the display flags you will want to choose from: pygame.FULLSCREEN create a fullscreen display pygame.DOUBLEBUF (obsolete in pygame 2) recommended for HWSURFACE or OPENGL pygame.HWSURFACE (obsolete in pygame 2) hardware accelerated, only in FULLSCREEN pygame.OPENGL create an OpenGL-renderable display pygame.RESIZABLE display window should be sizeable pygame.NOFRAME display window will have no border or controls pygame.SCALED resolution depends on desktop size and scale graphics pygame.SHOWN window is opened in visible mode (default) pygame.HIDDEN window is opened in hidden mode
New in pygame 2.0.0:
By setting the
parameter to1
, it is possible to get a display with vertical sync, but you are not guaranteed to get one. The request only works at all for calls toset_mode()
with thepygame.OPENGL
flags set, and is still not guaranteed even with one of those set. What you get depends on the hardware and driver configuration of the system pygame is running on. Here is an example usage of a call toset_mode()
that may give you a display with vsync:flags = pygame.OPENGL | pygame.FULLSCREEN window_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((1920, 1080), flags, vsync=1)
Vsync behaviour is considered experimental, and may change in future releases.
New in pygame 2.0.0:
Basic example:
# Open a window on the screen screen_width=700 screen_height=400 screen=pygame.display.set_mode([screen_width, screen_height])
The display index
means the default display is used. If no display index argument is provided, the default display can be overridden with an environment variable.
windowsInfo = pygame.display.Info()
Create a video display information object
Info() -> VideoInfo
Creates a simple object containing several attributes to describe the current graphics environment. If this is called before
some platforms can provide information about the default display mode. This can also be called after setting the display mode to verify specific display options were satisfied. The VidInfo object has several attributes:hw: 1 if the display is hardware accelerated wm: 1 if windowed display modes can be used video_mem: The megabytes of video memory on the display. This is 0 if unknown bitsize: Number of bits used to store each pixel bytesize: Number of bytes used to store each pixel masks: Four values used to pack RGBA values into pixels shifts: Four values used to pack RGBA values into pixels losses: Four values used to pack RGBA values into pixels blit_hw: 1 if hardware Surface blitting is accelerated blit_hw_CC: 1 if hardware Surface colorkey blitting is accelerated blit_hw_A: 1 if hardware Surface pixel alpha blitting is accelerated blit_sw: 1 if software Surface blitting is accelerated blit_sw_CC: 1 if software Surface colorkey blitting is accelerated blit_sw_A: 1 if software Surface pixel alpha blitting is accelerated current_h, current_w: Height and width of the current video mode, or of the desktop mode if called before the display.set_mode is called. (current_h, current_w are available since SDL 1.2.10, and pygame 1.8.0). They are -1 on error, or if an old SDL is being used.
screen.flip() 用于更新窗口